Mobiliário em madeira e derivados, de origem ecologicamente sustentável, com materiais orgânicos e recicláveis, montado sem recurso a colas nem parafusos ou pregos facilitando a sua reutilização ou reciclagem.
A fácil desmontabilidade das peças - sem necessidade de ferramentas - e a sua dimensão minimiza o volume em transporte e em armazenagem até 1/8 do volume da peça montada, reduzindo as emissões de CO2 associadas. A quantidade de embalagem - reutilizável - é igualmente reduzida.
As matérias-primas utilizadas são o contraplacado de bétula, o Valchromat (MDF super-prensado e pigmentado) e a cortiça, provenientes de florestas de gestão sustentável, com certificação FSC. Incluem reutilização de madeiras e cortiças, moídas e agregadas com resinas, posteriormente prensadas a altas pressões.
O acabamento das madeiras é em cera natural, aplicado à mão.

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Ecologically sustainable furniture made of wood and wood derivatives, with organic and recyclable materials, mounted without using glue or mechanical fixings which often prevents its reuse or hinders the recycling process.
The [tools-free] disassembling of the parts will allow the minimization of transportation and storage up to 1/8 the volume of the assembled unit, reducing the associated CO2 emissions. Simultaneously the amount of packaging is reduced.
The raw materials used are baltic birch plywood, the Valchromat(super pressed+pigmented MDF) and cork from sustainable forests with FSC certification.
Birch plywood is a very strong and stable material, with excellent environmental characteristics for the optimization that it makes from the raw material wood, allowing it also to be recycled at its life cycle end.
“Valchromat” is made from waste and reuse of wood, which is then crushed into fibers and aggregate with wax and a resin binder, and then formed at high pressure and temperature and is manufactured largely from locally grown timber.
The seat and back of the chair consist of strips of rubber EPD, reusable, for example, for tire air tubes. 

The finishing of woods is natural wax, applied by hand.
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